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November Specials

Last day to order for Thanksgiving is Tuesday, November 26.


Available November 1 - November 30 for Antioch pick up or local delivery.

Pick up and delivery available on Thanksgiving between 9am and 12pm.


Select any package or order a la carte.


Gluten-free available upon request.

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December Specials Order Form

Please fill out the form below to pre-order. An invoice will be emailed once the details are finalized.

Cake/Cupcake orders: Share your celebrated holiday or theme, GFB will take care of the design!

Order Date and time. 72 hours noticed required.
How would you like to receive your order?
Antioch pick up
Delivery - additional cost
What would you like to order? Tax not included.
Cupcake Flavor. Select up to 2 flavors. *Premium flavor
Cake Flavor. Select 1 flavor. All flavors will have a vanilla frosting on the outside. *Premium flavor
Carrot* (contains walnuts)
Red Velvet*
German Chocolate* (contains coconut & pecans)
Known allergies or ingredient exclusions. All baked goods are made without dairy, eggs, honey, and peanuts.
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